英语词组:pep talk


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

pep talk

a short speech intended to encourage people to work harder or try to win a game or competition;a usually brief, intense, and emotional talk designed to influence or encourage an audience;a pep talk is a speech which is intended to encourage someone to make more effort or feel more confident;a speech of exhortation, as to a team or staff, meant to instill enthusiasm or bolster morale.

pep 本意是energy, or a willingness to be active 精力,活力;热情 。Pep talk 是指 ”鼓舞士气的讲话,激励性讲话”;鼓动性、激励性的讲话(尤指球队教练或领导人的讲话)。

Trump’s assessment came during a speech at a fundraising dinner for House Republicans that served as a pep talk for members of his party who are growing increasingly anxious about losing seats in the November midterm elections.

Trump’s 33-minute speech served as a pep talk for himself at the end of arguably the worst week of his young presidency, characterized by new questions about his judgment and fitness for office sparked by his firing of FBI Director James Comey and then admitting the dismissal was prompted in part by the bureau’s investigation into links between Russian interference in the election and the Trump campaign.
特朗普33分钟的演讲是在他年轻总统任期中可以说是最糟糕的一周结束时给自己打气。特朗普总统这段时间执政特点是:他解雇了联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米(James Comey),随后承认被解雇的部分原因是联邦调查局对俄罗斯干预美国大选和特朗普竞选之间的联系进行了调查,这引发了有关他的判断力和是否适合担任总统的新问题。

The boss gave the staff a pep talk this morning in an attempt to boost sales.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows picked up the phone early Thursday morning and dialed up a frustrated Donald Trump for yet another pep talk.
周四一大早,众议院自由党团(House Freedom Caucus)主席马克·梅多斯(Mark Meadows)拿起电话,给沮丧的唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)打了电话,目的是再给特朗普打打气。


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