今日英语单词: peter out, buttoned-down, go through the roof, be (a) party to sth

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

peter out
— phrasal verb with peter verb
to gradually stop or disappear

So when you look at the state of the economy right now, what do you see? Do you see strength? Do you see petering out?

And while business slowed down, my current view is that, no, it just was a slowdown, not a petering out.

Or button-down

formal, old-fashioned, boring or conventional

Jamie Dimon was there when banking went from button-down and by-the-book to flashy and too-big-to-fail, through the 2008 financial crisis – and into today’s era of even bigger banks. And now presidents, prime ministers, princes and sheiks seek his counsel.

go through the roof
to rise to a very high level

Lesley Stahl: The stock market is going through the roof, and yet manufacturing production is down over the past year. Wage growth is slowing.

be (a) party to sth
to be involved in something, especially something bad

From the moment the administration released the rough transcript, Barr made clear that whatever the president was up to, he was not a party to it.
— The Washington Post Nov 07, 2019


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