英语习语:Pick up steam


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

Pick up steam

to become more popular; to slowly begin to move ahead in a faster and more effective way; gain strength, like a steam engine increasing power;to start working or producing at a faster rate or more effectively

加速;加大马力;变得更受欢迎; 以更快的速度或更有效地工作或生产

Donald Trump’s absolutely mind-boggling assault on facts is actually picking up steam.

The Trump transition is picking up steam and it’s clear we’re in for some interesting times in Washington. This is not going to be business as usual. But already there are danger signals flashing for the president-elect.

Asian factories extended a global manufacturing revival as activity picked up steam in February, though the outlook for many of the region’s export-reliant economies remained uncertain in the wake of U.S. President Donald Trump’s protectionist stance.
尽管由于美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的保护主义立场,该地区许多出口依赖型经济体的前景仍不确定,但随着2月份制造业活动提速,亚洲工厂延续了全球制造业复苏的势头。


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