今日英语俚语:pig out


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

pig out

to eat a lot or too much; gorge oneself with food; eat greedily; gormandize, overeat

大吃特吃; 吃得过量;狼吞虎咽;大吃大喝

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Americans are losing their taste for chicken and pig out beef and pork as President Donald Trump’s trade wars reduce U.S. pork exports to China and Mexico and leave cheaper bacon and ribs at home.
路透(芝加哥)—— 随着特朗普总统的贸易战减少了美国对中国和墨西哥的猪肉出口,培根和排骨价格走低,美国人对鸡肉失去了兴趣,开始大吃特吃牛肉和猪肉。

A farmer is campaigning to have the phrases ‘pig-out‘ and ‘eat like a pig’ removed from the dictionary, because they are offensive to the animals. Fergus Howie, 43, has written to the Oxford English Dictionary calling for the “unfair” terms to be removed or redefined.
一位农民正在发起一项活动,要求将“pig-out”(大吃大喝)和“eat like A pig”(像猪一样吃)这两个短语从词典中删除,因为它们是对动物的冒犯。43岁的费格斯·豪伊(Fergus Howie)给《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)写信,呼吁删除或重新定义这些“不公平”的术语。


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