新闻英语词汇: plausible deniability 中文


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

plausible deniability 合理推诿, 合理否认,合理否认的能力

plausible deniability 是指由于事先不知道某件事情,事后就能否认跟这件事有任何关系。这种否认听起来可信,或至少貌似合理。使用这个策略意味着要事先考虑周全,设置一些条件,为将来貌似合理逃避责任做好准备。该术语经常翻译成:合理否认,貌似合理的否认, 或合理推诿。



Plausible deniability is a politician’s best friend. It’s something politicians seek to maintain in all circumstances by giving vanilla statements that offer future wiggle room.

For President Trump, though, plausible deniability is a way of life. The ability to pretend he didn’t actually say what he seems to have just said is something Trump has weaponized and exploited. It’s something he wields against his opponents in an effort to constantly muddy the waters and rally his supporters against a common enemy.
对于特朗普总统来说,合理否认是一种生活方式。他有能力假装自己没有说过他似乎刚刚说过的话。而且他用这种能力武装自己,并加以利用。他利用这种能力对付他的对手,不断制造混淆,并团结他的支持者反对一个共同的敌人。 (The Washington Post by Aaron Blake July 4, 2017)

When he asked Biden’s brother James whether he had any concerns about the political risks associated with doing business with Chinese businessmen, James laughed off the suggestion that his brother would pay a political price, assuring Bobulinski that the family had ensured Joe Biden would have “plausible deniability.
当他问拜登的兄弟詹姆斯是否担心他(拜登)与中国商人做生意的政治风险时,詹姆斯笑着否认了拜登会付出政治代价的建议,并向博布林斯基保证,他们家已经确保乔·拜登有“合理否认的能力”。(National Review By JAMES LYNCH February 16, 2024 9:40 AM)

The Northam incident raises serious concerns about the role of plausible deniability in the age of digital dumpstering and routine media manipulation. While Trudeau has acknowledged the authenticity of his black and brownface photos and Northam has not, uncertainty surrounds both cases. Northam, through denial, has created uncertainty about whether he was indeed in KKK garb or blackface.
诺瑟姆事件引发了在数字信息泄漏和常规媒体操纵时代中合理否认角色的严重担忧。尽管特鲁多承认了他的黑脸和棕脸照片的真实性,而诺瑟姆没有承认,但这两个案件都存在不确定性。通过否认,诺瑟姆制造了他是否真的穿着三K党服装或黑脸的疑虑。(Nieman Reports) October 3, 2019


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