新闻英语词汇: play in Peoria


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

lay in Peoria verb phrase
Peoria pronunciation: peewaalia

To appeal or be acceptable to mainstream or average consumers or constituents

play in Peoria 这个习语是一种美式英语的修辞手法,传统上用来询问特定的产品、人物、促销主题或活动是否能吸引美国主流,或是否能吸引广泛的人口群体。在政治上,它是普通人对某个政策或建议反应的一种衡量。

Peoria (皮奥里亚)是美国中部伊利诺伊州的一个实际城市。这个词组起源于19世纪末,当时杂耍表演者说,如果一场演出能够在Peoria取得成功,那它就可以在任何地方都取得成功,因为Peoria被视为一个不起眼的城市。

理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)在政治界推广了该词组。他想问问how something would play in Peoria, 问普通选民对他任何计划会如何回应。

Note: The name “Peoria” derives from their autonym or name for themselves in the Illinois language, peewaareewa (modern pronunciation peewaalia). Originally it meant, “Comes carrying a pack on his back.”

Trump’s China Tariffs Not Playing in Peoria. Meanwhile, consumer prices will jump for those goods and others derived from them. They may rise faster than wages, which are not rising at all once you consider inflation.
— October 2, 2018

Donald Trump will probably lose the election. But he is a final warning. Unless political elites of both the left and the right become more humble, unless they once again ask themselves how their agendas will play in Peoria, the next rough beast might slouch over the corpse of the republic.

“Will it play in Peoria?” goes back to the days of vaudeville. The city of 115,000 in central Illinois was once considered the ultimate focus group, the embodiment of Middle America, the place to test a joke or a soda or a social policy to learn what white folks without a fancy degree thought of it. Back in the day, you knew better than to defy the settled judgment of this ultimate test market. You went as far as Peoria would let you, and no further.
—- theglobeandmail April 3, 2017


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