今日英语词汇: pod, pod plane, clip-Air, Link & Fly, modular planes, boundary-pushing, intermodality, decouple


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

“pod”最初的含义是豆荚(如毛豆,豌豆),指靠两片荚皮包裹豆子的果实。因为形似, pod 便可用指代地铁、高铁等交通工具的单个车厢;(飞机的)吊舱,短舱;以及 (航天器或船只上可与主体分离的)分离舱。

How pod planes could change travel forever?Imagine boarding an airplane in a completely relaxed, comfortable situation. This concept for air travel by Clip-Air could make it commonplace. Clip-Air separates the cabin from the wings, engines, and cockpit. A flying module would carry pods underneath it and fill it with passengers, cargo, or extra fuel.(Business Inside)

pod plane 吊舱飞机
clip-Air 模块化飞行
Link & Fly 飞行列车
modular planes 组合飞机

designed to fly with one, two or three detachable capsules. They can act as cabins or cargo holds, naturally, but the really cool part is that they are large enough to serve as train cars as well, meaning that in theory they could move from rail to air in, yes, a snap.

Hypersonics, electric propulsion, triple deckers — think you’ve seen everything when it comes to new aircraft concepts?Well just hold on a second, here comes the pod plane.

thinking in a new way and having new ideas.

While the concept might be boundary-pushing, the inspiration for Clip-Air is more mundane: the humble shipping container.

inter-modal transport

being or involving transportation by more than one form of carrier during a single journey
联合运输的,用于综合运输的, 多式联运

Transfer from truck to giant cargo ship to freight train is seamless and the container can be used again and again, drastically reducing the cost of long-distance shipping. That’s the magic of inter-modal transport — and it’s something this futuristic and potentially game-changing concept hopes to emulate.

Intermodality is also at the core of the Link & Fly proposal. In fact, AKKA Technologies is increasingly defining itself as a provider of integrated mobility solutions, blurring the difference between its automotive, rail and aerospace practices.

separate, disengage, or dissociate (something) from something else

For example, there may be a decoupling of who manages the airframe and passenger cabin. In the case of Clip-Air, those are likely to be multiple cabins, since up to three independent capsules could be attached to each aircraft.

备注:以上英语词汇来自原文: How pod planes could change travel forever (CNN)


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