新闻英语词汇: political cudgel


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

political cudgel 英文解释
Cudgel means “a short heavy club.” It’s a word that’s as old as English itself, which makes sense since it’s the kind of weapon that would have been used 1000 years ago. Cudgel has also been a verb since the late 1500s, meaning “to hit (someone or something) with a club.” (merriam-webster)

political cudgel 中文解释和翻译
Cudgel /ˈkʌdʒ.əl/可做名词或动词,意思是“短而重的棍棒”,“用棍棒打”。这个词和英语本身一样古老,是一种1000年前使用的武器。从16世纪晚期开始,Cudgel棍棒也可以是一个动词,意思是“用棍棒打(某人或某物)”。 political cudgel 是作为美国政治词汇中的一个比喻,指一个政党利用某事或某物来抨击或攻击另一个政党。political cudgel 可以考虑翻译成:政治棍棒;政治大棒; 政治武器

political cudgel 举例
Wahington Post:  “Along with the existing struggle to combat the coronavirus, immigration has emerged as one of the administration’s most urgent challenges — seized on by Republicans as a political cudgel, posing  risks to Democrats in the 2022 midterms and potentially undermining Biden’s governing agenda. The issue also threatens to overshadow the president’s recent political victories in passing a $1.9 trillion covid relief package and making rapid strides in vaccination efforts.”
《华盛顿邮报》:“与抗击冠状病毒的现有斗争一样,移民问题已经成为本届政府最紧迫的挑战之一——共和党人将其作为政治棍棒,在2022年中期选举中给民主党制造风险,并可能破坏拜登的执政议程。这个问题也可能给总统最近的政治胜利蒙上阴影,总统通过了1.9万亿美元的covid – 19救助方案,并在疫苗接种方面取得了快速进展。”


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