今日英语词汇: poolee, Circle the wagon around, memory hole, get a fix on sth, lamestream, letup, overthink


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

poolee is an individual who has already signed up to become a Marine but has not yet left for the 13 weeks of recruit training at boot camp in San Diego or Parris Island.
海军陆战队新兵;指的是已经报名成为海军陆战队一员,但尚未在圣迭戈或帕里斯岛新兵训练营(boot camp)接受为期13周的新兵训练的个人。

Hundreds of Marine poolees arrived at boot camp in South Carolina last week, but their training experience during the novel coronavirus pandemic will be anything but ordinary. (Military)

Circle the wagon around 保护……
“Circle the wagons” or “circle your wagons” means that members of a team or group must work together to protect themselves from some outside danger. Generally, they prepare for a possible attack.

Biden has been officially declared off-limits by the massive political machine that whistleblowers at CNN and elsewhere have acknowledged controls what stories make it to air and what languishes on the cutting-room floor. As the establishment circles its wagons around the Democrats’ 2020 pick – now armored in the endorsement of former President Barack Obama himself – the pretense of “believing all women” has crumbled into dust. (RT)

memory hole (Orwellian ‘memory hole) 奥威尔式的”记忆洞”
A memory hole is any mechanism for the deliberate alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts or other records, such as from a website or other archive, particularly as part of an attempt to give the impression that something never happened. The concept was first popularized by George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, where the Party’s Ministry of Truth systematically re-created all potentially embarrassing historical documents, in effect, re-writing all of history to match the often-changing state propaganda. These changes were complete and undetectable.(Wikipedia)

Orwellian ‘memory hole’ in action? Stealth removal of CNN clip supporting Biden sex assault claim proves MSM’s double standards. A ‘Larry King Live’ episode that backed up a sexual assault claim against presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden vanished from Google Play after CNN grudgingly reported on it. Have the MSM’s double standards finally crushed #MeToo? (RT)

get a fix on sth
to understand what a situation is like
Market research helps to get a fix on what customers want.

As Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft all report their first set of pandemic-era earnings this week, the industry will get a clearer fix on just how much pain the falling-out between the U.S. and China will inflict. (Axios)

/ˈlāmˌstrēm/ adjective informal US
adjective: lamestream; adjective: lame-stream
used to refer disparagingly to the mainstream media.
残废媒体, 对主流媒体的贬称
“why has the lamestream media been so silent on the issue?”

President Trump continued his rage tweeting against the news media: “There has never been, in the history of our Country, a more vicious or hostile Lamestream Media than there is right now, even in the midst of a National Emergency, the Invisible Enemy!” (New York Times)

noun Informal
1) a slackening or lessening, as of effort
2) a stop or pause; the stopping or slowing down of something that is unpleasant

After spending weeks recovering from COVID-19, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was back on the job Monday, praising his country for its “grit and guts” in the face of the pandemic, but warning that any letup in efforts to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus risked “a new wave of death and disease.”

verb [ T ]/ˌəʊ.vəˈθɪŋk/
to think about something too much, in a way that is not useful
(对…) 想得太多,思虑过重

Biden Shouldn’t Overthink His Veep Pick. Walter Shapiro writes that Joe Biden should go with chemistry rather than calculus in picking a running mate. “There is no single running mate who can emerge, like Wonder Woman, with the preternatural power to enhance black and Latino turnout, reach out to hardcore Sanders supporters, and appeal to wavering Republican voters in the Midwest.”


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