今日英语俚语:pussy whipped


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

pussy whip, or pussy whipped (pussy-whipped)
verb & adjective vulgar slang

Pussy whip (verb): Of a woman, to control a partner, typically a man, in a domineering, condescending, emasculating manner. Sometimes hyphenated or written as a single word.

Pussy whipped ( adjective) is an insult for a man who is seen as being controlled by his stronger-willed female romantic partner;dominated or controlled by a woman (typically used of a man); a henpecked

这是很粗鲁的俚语。pussy whip 可以作为动词,意思是指女方以一种专横的、居高临下的控制一个男方伴侣,有时用连字符或写成一个单词pussy-whip (v)。

pussy whipped (pussy-whipped) 作为形容词,意思是:怕老婆的, 受女人支配的 (a henpecked);男人被意志更坚强的女性伴侣控制,对男人是一种侮辱。

Men are afraid of strong women. Their tricks don’t work. Furthermore, most men are pussy-whipped. The woman sets the agenda and the man follows, except for the occasional blow-up, when the woman lets the guy have his way.

Eric Trump said his sister Ivanka is his father’s greatest weakness. it appears that Donald Trump is a pussy whipped punk with a leash around his neck, taking orders from his daughter Ivanka to destroy Syria, and North Korea. (lasteelshow.org By Galatian August 22, 2017)


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