今日英语单词: recalibrate, confer, skittish, caveat, hear out, salient, dust-up, smarting,

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day


意思:verb /ˌriːˈkæl.ə.breɪt/ : calibrate (something) again; to reexamine (one’s thinking, a plan, a system of values, etc.) and correct it in accord with a new understanding or purpose
重新调整; 重新审视

举例:The unrelated events illustrated Biden’s predicament as he seeks to recalibrate around his massive economic proposals: a $3.5 trillion budget bill and $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. Officials told CNN that Biden hopes to recapture momentum lost over a calamitous August, but the series of events Friday afternoon underscored the difficulty for any President to completely move past the outside events that often come to define a presidency. (CNN)


意思: verb: have discussions; exchange opinions. 商讨; 协商; 交换意见

举例:He spoke by telephone Thursday with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to confer on a path forward on his massive legislative agenda. (CNN)


意思:adjective: (of a person) playfully frivolous or unpredictable;of a person) not serious and likely to change their beliefs or opinions often (人)易变的;反复无常的;易激动的; 轻浮的; 变幻莫测的

举例:If Democrats — particularly those who are skittish about the political repercussions of enacting such significant changes to the role of government in the US economy — can’t unify now, they will likely be left with nothing. (CNN)


意思:noun /ˈkæv.i.æt/: a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices; a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations. 警告,告诫;

举例:To be sure, any comparisons in approval ratings between Biden and his predecessors are filled with caveats, given the acrid political climate and the remarkable changes in the presidency over the decades. (CNN)

hear out

意思:to listen to all that someone has to say; to listen to someone until said everything they want to say
听完叙述; 听…把话说完

举例:This week, before leaving for his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Biden began meeting in-person with moderate Democratic Sens. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, hearing out their concerns about the amount of spending. With Manchin, he listened patiently to a proposal that would more than halve the size of the final bill. Biden has not endorsed that plan, but also hasn’t yet had luck in convincing the skeptical Democrat to come along with his. (CNN)


意思: adjective /ˈseɪ.li.ənt/: standing out because of prominence or importance; The salient facts about something or qualities of something are the most important things about them

举例:But Biden is pressuring Democrats to avoid stripping out what he believes will prove to be the bill’s most salient selling points. (CNN)

dust-up (dustup)

意思:noun : fight, argument; a dust-up is a quarrel that often involves some fighting
吵架; 争吵; 打架

举例: American officials said that, for now, there is a general belief that the dust-up with France will not permanently damage relations, but acknowledged the spat remains in its early days. The official acknowledged that relations between Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron — who is preparing to run for re-election — will likely take time to repair. (CNN)

Be smarting over

意思:to feel upset about a criticism, failure, etc.

举例:Allies are also still smarting over the Afghanistan withdrawal. At least two other western nations, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, have reshuffled their foreign ministers as a result of the withdrawal. (CNN)


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