今日英语俚语:red meat


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

red meat

Meaning :Language or discourse intended to stir the emotions of a given group, especially by appealing to or reinforcing partisan sentiments.
字面意思:“红肉”, 引申指激起特定群体情绪的语言或话语,特别是通过呼吁或增强党派情感的方式。

如今,“read  meat”几乎总是与右翼民粹主义言论联系在一起,引起人们愤怒和生气。例如2016年美国总统大选期间的 “Lock Her Up”,就是“Red Meat”的好例子。

His success, making even Ted Cruz look mainstream, baffles many in the United States and abroad, who are used to seeing American politicians walk a careful line between red-meat populism and mainstream respectability.
—The New York Times, 14 April 2016

On Wednesday, several White House and administration officials were deployed to cable news to defend Trump’s address — and continue the pivot toward the re-election fight. One senior official continued Trump’s red-meat-tossing toward his conservative base.

Most of the audiences—that at Salt Lake City was an exception—were looking for red meat in Dewey’s carefully reasoned discussions of world affairs. Since he disdained mudslinging they seized upon his withering treatment of bureaucracy and governmental incompetence as a satisfactory substitute. (The Sun [Baltimore, MD])


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