生活英语词汇: Retainer Letter

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生活英语词汇 English Words in Daily Life

Retainer Letter, or Retainer Agreement 律师署聘用合同

在英语国家和地区,如果去当地的律师事务所咨询相关法律事务,或想聘用律师处理相关法律事务,对方一般会要求与你签署聘用合同。他们可以邮件的方式给你发签署聘用合同信函, 即 retainer letter;你收到信后,打印出来,签署后,再以邮件的形式发给律师事务所。也可以在律师事务所,当面签署 Retainer Agreement 聘用合同。

根据韦氏大词典, 英语单词 Retainer在律师或其它顾问服务行业, 有2个意思:

1)the act of a client by which the services of a lawyer, counselor, or adviser are engaged

2)a fee paid to a lawyer or professional adviser for advice or services

barristers and solicitor 律师; paralegal 律师助理

在加拿大,谈到律师这个职业,一般使用 barristers /ˈberəstər/ 或者 solicitor /səˈlisədər/ 。当然,lawyer 一词也是经常使用的。美国更多使用attorney,或者lawyer, 这两个词一般通用。

barristers 与 solicitor 区别在于: barristers 一般翻译成大律师,即法庭律师。

Solicitor 一般是指事务律师, 商业律师,工作通常与法庭无关,而是协助客户处理所有其他法律事务。这项工作是多样化的,可以包括起草合同或遗嘱,处理房地产交易,申请保护知识产权,以及提交证券招股说明书。因此,solicitor 通常被称为“商业律师”。

还有一个英语单词 paralegal /ˌpærəˈliːɡ/, 一般翻成律师助理 。 paralegal 协助律师工作,但不能从事法律业务。律师助理协助律师研究案件、归档文件和准备法律报等等。

During the retainer, I will be your solicitor and will take the required steps and prepare and execute all documents necessary to facilitate the completion of the sale of your house.

Legal fees, Lawyer fees 律师费

Legal fees are the costs of a range of professional services provided by lawyers, ranging from advice and drafting of documents to preparation and representation in court.

Average real estate lawyer fees for house closing in Ontario are between $450 to $1,500, depending on the transactions’ complexity. Some real estate lawyers charge an hourly rate between $270 to $450 + HST per hour plus Law Office disbursements.

disbursement 与律师服务相关的支出

disbursement /disˈbərsmənt/: a payment, especially one made by a lawyer to a third party and then charged to the client. 支付,付出,付款; 在律师行业,是指你的律师或律师助理代表你支付给为你的案件提供服务的其他方的费用, 例如:法庭费用、影印费用等等,不是支付律师本人的律师费。

The amount of disbursements will be determined by the complexity of the transaction,and adetailed item list and a copy of the relevant receipts will be presented toyou forpayment.Our current charge for photocopying and printing is 10 cents per page.

client intake form 客户信息表

client intake form 客户信息表 。律师事务所一般要求客户填写 client intake form,以问答和填空的形式让客户提供信息,帮助代理机构确定该客户是否适合其服务,并制定策略,以满足该客户的需求、兴趣和解决经常给顾客带来不便或烦恼的持续或反复出现的问题。

A client intake form is a questionnaire an agency uses to essentially onboard its clients. It asks a client to provide information that can help an agency both determine whether that client is a good fit for its services and shape a strategy to address that prospect’s needs, interests, and pain points.


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