今日英语单词: returning office, make the call, anti-vaxxers, make a pitch, canvass

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

returning office

意思:指(在英国、加拿大、新西兰和澳大利亚)每个选区的竞选办事处(Returning Office),负责选举区内的主选举过程中,并更新全国选民登记册,给选民提供最新命选区资料。 办事处负责人,英文是 returning officer。

举例:”We have to recognize that the people who are working in the returning office and at the polls on Monday night, they’re on the go, they work 12 and 14 hour days in the returning offices,” said Benson. (CBCNews)

There are several returning offices around Ottawa. You can vote at any of these locations using a special ballot process that differs from advance or election day voting. (CTV News)

make the call

意思:To make a particular decision about someone or something. 对某事或某人做出决定

举例:“From our perspective, as the administrators and under the legislation, a winner isn’t actually declared until the final count is complete. Obviously, media make their calls based on the information available on election night,” Watson said. (CBC News)

It’s not easy to be the boss. Often, the boss has to make important and difficult decisions. For example, should the company hire new employees? Or should the company fire some employees? It’s the same for presidents and parents. Presidents must decide which laws should pass and what is best for the country. Parents also have a tough job, too, especially if they have teens. A parent might need to make the call on whether a teen can stay out late on a school night. (englishbaby.com)


意思: verb /ˈkæn.vəs/ to try to get political support or votes, especially by visiting all the houses in an area
拉票; 游说; 拉选票; 调查(民意); 征求(意见); 努力争取支持

举例:Paul is expected to be back in her riding on Sunday morning for a final day of canvassing before Canadians head to the polls on Monday. (CBC News)


意思: noun /an(t)īˈvaksər/ a person who is opposed to vaccination

举例:”Mr. O’Toole won’t respect the science, won’t respect people who want to get back to normal, and take even the simplest step of demanding that all his candidates be vaccinated to lead by example,” Trudeau said. “He’s defending the freedoms and the choice of anti-vaxxers who are putting us all at risk.” (CBC News)

make a pitch

意思:Say or do something in support of someone or something;to make a presentation to influence others to support, purchase, or agree to something.

举例:Paul took the opportunity to make a pitch to voters in British Columbia, the province where the Greens have seen the most success.

“Certainly, given what British Columbia has meant to the Green Party and continues to mean to the Green Party, it was very important to us to do all we could, even in these last days of the campaign, to come out here and support our fantastic candidates,” Paul said. (CBC News)


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