今日英语词汇: rope-a-dope, off-the-books, savant, tribal politics, shoot for sth, crack (sb) up, keepsake


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

1. Relating to or being a strategy in boxing in which one fighter covers up and often leans back against the ropes to allow the opponent to become exhausted by throwing punches so that the opponent cannot defend effectively late in the fight and is thus defeated. (freedictionary)

2. Relating to or being a strategy in which one behaves passively or with little aggression until an opportune moment arises for successful action. (freedictionary)
倚绳战术: 拳击中的一种策略,其中一名拳击手向后靠绳索, 即使挨打,也不至于掉下去,同时等对方疲惫了,寻找有效反击的机会,取得胜利。引申为:先被动防卫, 让对方自满放松, 等待时机成功反击。

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff left the door open to the possibility of more hearings or depositions in the impeachment inquiry but said that Democrats will not “wait months and months while the administration plays a game of rope-a-dope in an effort to try to stall,” CNN reports. Nov. 24, 2019

adjective & adverb
not reported or recorded ;not included in the official financial records
没有报告的或没有记录的 ;不入账的, 灰色收入

And several media reports and document releases over the weekend appeared to support the testimony of several witnesses last week that the off-the-books diplomatic scheme in Ukraine was wider than it first appeared.

a learned person; a person of learning

In retrospect, advice from political savants for Trump to treat impeachment like former President Bill Clinton — ignore the noise and keep on working for Americans — seems quaint and so 20th Century.

tribal politics 部落政治
At its roots, tribal politics is about the identity of a given group that is based on common ethnic or cultural factors that are thought to coalesce the group into a functioning political unit.

McCarthy confidently predicted that no Republicans would break from the President in the House impeachment vote — in a sign of how tribal politics now dominates Washington institutions and how Trump’s power dominates the GOP on Capitol Hill.

shoot for sth
— phrasal verb with shoot verb
To strive for something; to aspire to some goal.

I am ambitious, though I didn’t know exactly what I was shooting for.
— Becoming /Michelle Obama

crack (sb) up
— phrasal verb with crack verb
to suddenly laugh a lot, or to make someone suddenly laugh a lot

And I’ve met kids — lots of them, all over the world — who crack me up and fill me with hope and who blessedly manage to forget about my title once we start rooting in the dirt of a garden.
— Becoming /Michelle Obama

noun [ C ]
a small present, usually not expensive, that is given to you by someone so that you will remember that person
小纪念品, 小礼物,通常不贵

I’ve smiles for photos with people who call my husband horrible names on national television, but still want a framed keepsake for their mantel.


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