今日英语词汇: Rorschach test, better angels, be in/out of contention, bubonic plague, stepwise


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day

Rorschach test
noun [ S ]/ˈrɔːr.ʃɑːk ˌtest/
(also inkblot test)
a psychological test in which a person is shown spots of ink and asked what they look like, as a way of learning about the person’s personality or feelings. The test is named after its inventor, Swiss psychiatrist and neurologist Hermann Rorschach.
备注:该测试以其发明者、瑞士精神病学家和神经学家赫尔曼·罗夏(Hermann Rorschach)的名字命名。

TikTok has become a Rorschach test for how U.S. politicians view China, with little consensus on the specifics of its threat to homeland security. (Axios)

better angels
pl (plural only) (idiomatic) Morally upright or otherwise positive attributes of human character.

“You appeal to the better angels in people to try and explain to them why it’s important to do that,” Fauci said. “You don’t say, ‘you stupid idiot, why don’t you have a mask on?’ Because that’s only going to push them away.” (Politico)

be in/out of contention
to be able/not able to achieve or win something, especially in sports
This loss puts them out of contention for the playoffs this year 这次失利使他们失去了赢得今年的季后赛的机会 (Cambridge)

Joe Biden made clear in an interview that Sen. Kamala Harris is still “very much in contention” to become his running mate. Said Biden: “I don’t hold grudges, and I’ve made it really clear that I don’t hold grudges. I think it was a debate. It’s as simple as that. And she’s very much in contention.”

bubonic plague
noun [ U ]/bjuːˌbɑː.nɪk ˈpleɪɡ/
a very infectious disease spread by rats, causing swelling, fever, and usually death. In the 14th century it killed half the people living in Europe.

Authorities in the Chinese region of Inner Mongolia have sealed off a village after a resident there died from bubonic plague, a centuries-old disease responsible for the most deadly pandemic in human history. (CNN)

adjective & adverb /ˈstep.waɪz/
happening or changing in a series of regular stages;gradually, in a series of regular stages
逐步的; 逐渐的; (按音阶) 级进的

“There seems to be a misperception that either you shut down completely and damage a lot of things, mental health, the economy, all kinds of things, or let it rip and do whatever you want,” Fauci told POLITICO’s “Pulse Check” podcast on Wednesday. “There’s a stepwise fashion that you can open up the economy successfully.” (Politico)



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