今日英语词汇: ruse, go (off) without a hitch, pile it on, on the front burner


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

noun [ C ] /ruːz/

a trick intended to deceive someone
诡计;计策 (Cambridge)

early 15c., “dodging movements of a hunted animal;” 1620s, “a trick,” from Old French ruse, reuse “diversion, switch in flight; trick, jest” (14c.), back-formed noun from reuser “to dodge, repel, retreat; deceive, cheat,” from Latin recusare “deny, reject, oppose”. It also has been proposed that the French word may be from Latin rursus “backwards,” or a Vulgar Latin form of refusare. Johnson calls it, “A French word neither elegant nor necessary.” The verb ruse was used in Middle English.

It was just a ruse to distract her while his partner took the money.

There’s an argument that gun politics is changing and Washington is yet to get the message. But O’Rourke also risks playing into GOP dogma that all gun control is a ruse for Democrats to confiscate the guns of law abiding Americans.(CNN Sep 14, 2019)

Jul. 8, 2016 · And the people being conned are average working Americans who are buying Trump’s ruse of being a man of the people. (Berkeley News July 8, 2016)

go (off) without a hitch

to happen successfully without any problems
顺利进行 (Cambridge)

To the bride’s relief, the wedding ceremony went off without a hitch.

Beiji(ng) has gone to vast lengths to ensure that the 70th celebrations go off without a hitch. CNN Sep 15, 2019

The evening went off without a hitch, but it was a rare Honors event that did not feature the sitting U.S. president watching the proceedings from a prime perch in a box seat. As such, the first KenCen honors of Trump’s presidency marked another sign of the up-ending of Washington tradition in the Trump era.

pile it on
pile on

to say too much, especially giving too much emphasis;

To criticize or attack someone in speech or writing all at once or in great numbers.
( Thefreedictionary)

You’re really piling it on with the compliments tonight, Gareth, aren’t you!

Castro’s pile-on was clumsy. By repeatedly asking Biden: “Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?” the former HUD Secretary actually built empathy for the former vice president.
— CNN Sep 15, 2019

Feb. 25, 2016 · … candidates went after frontrunner Donald Trump at Thursday night’s debate in the biggest Trump pile-on yet.
— Business Insider Feb 25, 2016

People from across the state have been piling onto me ever since I wrote my controversial opinion piece for the local paper. She’s been through enough already—I don’t think we need to pile on any further. (Thefreedictionary)

on the front burner

getting or needing immediate attention

A few important members of Congress are making an effort to keep human rights on the front burner.

Any stumbles in the Democratic debate next month and the issue will be back on the front burner. (CNN Sep 24, 2019)

The Koch political network rode the wave of the Tea Party movement expertly, injecting its own concerns into the Tea Party’s agenda, and turning climate change into a front burner issue for the movement.
— Emily Atkin, The New Republic, “How David Koch Changed The World,” 23 Aug. 2019

The challenges after that month of media exposure, then Congress has moved on to now dealing with tax policy and other issues, and this is kind of gone off the front burner.
— Eric Johnson, Recode, “Silicon Valley congressman Ro Khanna explains his ‘internet bill of rights’,” 6 Oct. 2018


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