今日英语单词:  samizdat

儒琴今日英语单词选自日常用语,欧美报刊文章, 以及英语原文小说。每天坚持学习今日英语单词,有助于阅读和理解当今欧美主流媒体的新闻时事报道和英语文学作品;增强日常英语交流能力。

儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

noun /ˈsämēzdat/


the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe.

The whole samizdat—translates as: “We publish ourselves”—that is, not the state, but we, the people. (nytimes.com)


在国家政府媒体控制下,东欧一些国家通常私藏地下出版物, 包括书籍,杂志,电影和摄影。读者通常是受过良好教育的公民,有时甚至是具有重大政治或社会影响力的人。

目前 samizdat 一词含义已经不仅限于东欧和俄罗斯。


In the waning weeks of 2016, when the intelligence community and many politicians were passing around terrifying reports about Donald Trump’s links to Russia like samizdat, the frightening possibility arose that the sanctity of the United States government might be compromised in a way no living American had experienced.

For American writers and other artists, there’s a distinct chill in the air. Strongmen have a well-earned reputation for suppression and for demanding fawning tributes: “Suck up or shut up” has been their rule. During the Cold War, many writers, filmmakers, and playwrights received visits from the FBI on suspicion of “un-American activities.” Will that history be repeated? Will self-censorship set in? Could we be entering an age of samizdat in the United States, with manuscripts circulating secretly because publishing them would mean inviting reprisal? That sounds extreme, but considering America’s own history—and the wave of authoritarian governments sweeping the globe—it’s not out of the question.


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