新闻英语词汇: schadenfreude


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

schadenfreude 幸灾乐祸

Schadenfreude 英文解释
a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction when something bad happens to someone else;pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune;enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

Schadenfreude 英文解释及翻译
Schadenfreude /ˈʃɑː.dənˌfrɔɪ.də/, 名词,是指从别人的烦恼或遭遇中获得的快乐;幸灾乐祸。

schadenfreude 词源
该词来自德语,是个复合词:Schaden (伤害)+ Freude (快乐)。

Schadenfreude 举例
Maureen Dowd: “So now comes a delicious twist: President Biden is being hailed as a transformational, once-in-a-generation progressive champion, with comparisons to L.B.J. and F.D.R. aplenty, while Obama has become a cautionary tale about what happens when Democrats get the keys to the car but don’t put their foot on the gas.”

“The collective smirk was wiped off the face of Obamaworld this past week, as former aides expressed their irritation at the retrospective dissing, and while Biden’s inner circle enjoyed an unfamiliar sensation: schadenfreude. Now the friendly fire once aimed at Biden is coming toward Obama.”

纽约时报专栏作家陶曼玲(Maureen Dowd):“所以现在有了美妙的转变: 总统拜登被誉为转型、百年一次进步的冠军, 可以与林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊和罗斯福相媲美, 而奥巴马已经成为民主党的警示:当民主党得到这辆车的钥匙时,但不把油门踩到底的。”



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