今日英语俚语:Sick Burn


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

俚语:sick burn

单词 burn 最根本的意思是”着火;烧着;燃烧”, 后来逐步抽象化,引申为(脸)发烧,发烫(由于尴尬/羞愧/愤怒等等)。 随着语言,尤其口语的不断演变,单词 burn 有了俚语的含义,往往表示”带幽默的嘲讽用语(或行为)“。

sick 一词最常见的含义是“生病”。但是,sick 一词也有俚语色彩,意思是“非常好,完美”。

俚语 Sick Burn 这一词组搭配中, 很显然,sick 是用来强调 burn 的。 Sick Burn 往往指某人前面说的话或做的事“含有讽刺挖苦,意在使某人难堪或羞辱某人”。

俚语 Sick Burn 根据具体语境,或上下文,可以翻译成(仅供参考):幽默的嘲讽;高级黑;骂人不带脏字;糗大了;太羞辱人了等等。


Biden had a sick burn in his State of the Union speech.

At a particularly contentious moment in his State of the Union address, President Biden ad-libbed a line that left a lot of people scratching their heads.

He was taunting Republicans who want to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes the politically popular measure to cap drug prices for seniors.

“As my football coach used to say, ‘Lots of luck in your senior year,'” Biden said with a chuckle and a wry smile.

But what does that even mean?
Biden has been saying this for at least 25 years. It turns out this phrase has long been part of Biden’s folksy informal lexicon.

Even linguists were puzzled by the phrase

Now, if you’ve never heard this phrase before, you’re not alone. Anatoly Liberman is a linguist at the University of Minnesota and author of the book: “Take My Word For It: A Dictionary of English Idioms.” This one isn’t in his book.

“It is not listed even in the most detailed database of formulas, wishes and sayings,” Liberman told NPR.

But, that isn’t necessarily surprising, he said. There are a lot of idioms like this, only known in one region, one family or perhaps one coach’s sphere of influence. (NPR NEWS February 9, 2023)




拜登苦笑着说:“就像我的足球教练过去常说的,’Lots of luck in your senior year ‘(祝你在高年级走运)。”



就连语言学家也对这个短语(Lots of luck in your senior year)感到困惑。

如果你以前从未听过这个短语,那么这并不见怪。阿纳托利·利伯曼(Anatoly Liberman)是明尼苏达大学的语言学家,也是《相信我的话:英语习语词典》一书的作者。他的书里也没有这个短语。


但他说,这并不一定令人惊讶。有很多这样的习语,只在一个地区、一个家庭或一个教练的影响范围内知道。(NPR 新闻/美国东部时间2023-2-9)


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