今日英语俚语:silver bullet


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

silver bullet

a simple solution to a complicated problem;a simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem;something that provides an immediate and extremely effective solution to a given problem or difficulty, especially one that is normally very complex or hard to resolve. The phrase is almost always used in a statement that such a solution does not exist. n. a specific, fail-safe solution to a problem.

silver bullet 字面意思:银弹。其引申意思是:(指针对复杂问题的)简单解决办法、良方、高招、捷径、杀手锏、最强杀招、灵丹妙药等。经常用于否定句。silver bullet这个俚语的起源可以在20世纪30年代出版的《独行侠和银弹》一书中找到。在这个故事中,人们相信银弹是杀死任何超自然生物的唯一方法。

There was no silver bullet that could have prevented the atrocities.

Cohen tapes just latest ‘silver bullet‘ to finally sink Trump.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has rejected calls to implement a points-based immigration system, a promise made by the Leave campaign during EU referendum vote. “It is not a silver bullet,” the PM said in a recent statement.


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