英语词组:Skeleton Key


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

Skeleton Key

a key that will open several doors; a key with a large part of the bit filed away to enable it to open low quality locks as a master key; a key designed to fit many locks by having the interior of the bit hollowed.

Skeleton Key 中的Skeleton 是 something reduced to its minimum form or essential parts 的意思,意即某事物去掉细枝末节后,剩下最必要的构成部分。Skeleton 在词组中往往有”能办一件事所需的最基本的东西”。Skeleton Key 常常翻译成:万能钥匙。实际生活中,人们更多使用passkey, 或者 a master key (万能钥匙)。

人们现在使用 Skeleton Key,更多是想表达抽象含义的万能钥匙:问题的关键,解开问题的钥匙,关键问题所在和关键问题的解决方案等。

But I want to suggest that the skeleton key to all of Trump’s policy positions is grounded in a very simple realization: Trump is not just a candidate with political positions.

It’s what you get when you give a guy like Trump the keys to the kingdom. This is the skeleton key that unlocks all this administration’s mysteries: Trump’s ego.


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