今日英语单词: snapback, wager, whammy, vocal, defunct, retrenchment, flop, flout

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

noun [ S ]
informal (also snap-back) /ˈsnæpbæk/ STOCK MARKET
a quick return to a previous condition or situation; comeback
迅速反弹: 迅速恢复到以前的状态或情形 (Cambridge)

There are a myriad of reasons for the cheery stock market in some of the most depressing times — my colleague Felix Salmon lists them here. Among them: Investors are looking ahead and wagering the snapback will be quick and corporate profits will jump back to pre-pandemic levels. (Axios)

noun & verb /ˈweɪ.dʒɚ/
to risk money by guessing the result of something; used to say that you are certain that something is true or will happen in the future
赌注;打赌; 打包票;敢打赌

As gambling on all manner of sports and competitions becomes legal in more places across the country, not one state or U.S. territory permits people to wager on political primaries and caucuses, or anything to do with elections. And even though it’s not explicitly barred in most states, you shouldn’t bet on that changing before the presidential showdown in November.

noun [ C ] US old-fashioned informal /ˈwæm.i/
a magical spell or power that causes someone to have a difficult or unpleasant time
He put the whammy on me. 他带给我一身晦气。(Cambridge)

The coronavirus’ double whammy on vulnerable populations. Minorities and low-income people are more likely to become seriously ill if infected with the coronavirus, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation analysis. (Axios)

adjective (OFTEN HEARD) often expressing opinions and complaints in speech
He had always been a very vocal critic of the president. 他一直都直言不讳地批评总统。
During these years, suffrage demands by women became increasingly vocal. 那些年,女性要求获得投票权的呼声越来越高。(Cambridge)

Warren is among the highest profile Democratic lawmakers and a potential VP pick for White House hopeful Joe Biden. But she’s hardly the only vocal Democrat on oil policy during the pandemic. A number of House and Senate Democrats are floating a messaging bill that would close off a bunch of financial aid avenues for the sector.

adjective formal /dɪˈfʌŋkt/
no longer existing, living, or working correctly
不复存在的;死亡的;失灵的 (Cambridge)

President Trump is thirsting to hold campaign rallies again. And among his campaign and White House advisers, a possible solution has been discussed that could allow for such MAGA gatherings even in the midst of a global pandemic: the mostly defunct, rural tradition of the drive-in movie theater,” the Daily Beast reports. (Axios)

noun [ C or U ] /rɪˈtrentʃ.mənt/
a situation in which a government, etc. spends less or reduces costs

The oil industry’s painful retrenchment amid the collapse in demand and prices is bleeding into Beltway political battles over pandemic response — and probably into the 2020 election. (Axois)

verb (FAIL)[ I ]
If a book, play, film, etc. flops, it is not successful.
(书、戏剧、电影等)砸锅,完全失败 (Cambrige)

Biden’s Virtual Rally In Florida Flops. “The era of virtual campaigning did not start well for Joe Biden,” Fox 13 reports. “A 45-minute rally targeted at a Tampa audience did not go as planned, as it was rife with poor audio quality, choppy video, and a candidate who wasn’t even sure when he was on camera.”

verb [ T ] /flaʊt/
to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom
Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets. 许多骑摩托车的人无视法律,不戴头盔。
The orchestra decided to flout convention/tradition, and wear their everyday clothes for the concert. 管弦乐队决定一改传统,在音乐会上穿日常服装 (Cambridge)

Trump Keeps Flouting Coronavirus Protocols. Washington Post: “The president appeared puzzled that the aide, Katie Miller, the press secretary for Vice President Pence, had contracted the virus ‘out of the blue’ after testing negative several times under a routine White House screening program put in place last month.” (The Washington Post)


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