今日英语单词:  sotto voce

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

sotto voce
adverb, adjective /ˌsɑː.t̬oʊ ˈvoʊ.tʃeɪ/ formal

(said) in a quiet voice so that only people near can hear; in a quiet voice, as if not to be overheard; (of singing or a spoken remark) sung or said in a quiet voice, as if not to be overheard; under the breath : in an undertone also : in a private manner. 2 : very softly —used as a direction in music.

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for sotto voce. openly, publicly.

轻声的(地),低声的(地); 音调甚低地; 轻声(低声),刚刚能听得见的声音。反义词:openly, publicly。

词源:意大利语 sottovoce,字面意思:under the voice。首次使用:1737年

Former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark said Trump’s “sotto voce message to the American voter was: ‘Look, they’re arguing in Washington about me, but I’m here talking up your jobs.” (apnews.com January 21, 2020)
新西兰前总理海伦·克拉克(Helen Clark)表示,特朗普“向美国选民发出的无声信息是:”看,他们在华盛顿为我争论,但我在这里谈论你们的工作。”

And lest we forget, it was Biden, then-chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who shepherded one of Bill Clinton’s appointees onto the Supreme Court. She was three things that wouldn’t do well in today’s political acrimony: She was shy, she was quiet, she was an incrementalist. Several prominent feminist organizations even opposed her at the time. But her sotto voce intonations masked the booming intelligence of a legal giant. Her name was Ruth Bader Ginsburg. (thebatt.com Oct 29, 2020)
别忘了,正是当时的参议院司法委员会(Senate Judiciary Committee)主席拜登(Biden)带领比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)任命的一名官员进入了最高法院。她有三样特质在今天的政治尖刻中都不太适合: 她害羞,她安静,她是一个渐进主义者。当时,一些著名的女权组织甚至反对她。但她的低声语调掩盖着一个法律巨头的蓬勃智慧。她的名字叫露丝·巴德·金斯伯格。


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