英语词组:squirrel away


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

squirrel away
phrasal verb

Squirrel away means save for the future, like a squirrel burying nuts for the winter;to put (something) in a safe or secret place especially so that it can be kept for future use

squirrel (/ˈskwɝː.əl/)是松鼠的意思,也可以作为动词:以好奇和不安的方式移动。squirrel away 是动词词组,意思是就像松鼠为冬天储存坚果一样, 进行储藏,储存(尤指钱,供日后使用)。

Switzerland long had a reputation as a haven for tax dodgers to squirrel away their money to avoid fiscal authorities abroad. But Swiss authorities have been at pains to try to change the country’s image.

The City Clerk’s office has been squirreling away money for several years into an account that can only be used for election-related purposes.

Lots of kids put part of their Halloween candy in a safe spot so they can eat it in a few days — in other words, they squirrel away their treats.


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