今日英语单词: streak, blowback, delineate, phallic, emasculate, lichen, synthesis, vain, coat of arms

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

coat of arms
noun [ C ] plural coats of arms
a special shield or shield-shaped pattern that is the sign of a family, university, or city

It may not be the most dramatic scandal facing Donald Trump this week, but the US president has been accused of branding his US commercial properties with a stolen coat of arms.

noun [ C ]/striːk/
a short period of good or bad luck
I just hope my lucky streak continues until the world championships. 我只是希望我的好运能延续到世界锦标赛。
Their longest losing streak has been three games. 他们最低迷的时候连输过3场。
After winning a couple of bets, he thought he was on a winning streak. 下注赢了几回后,他以为自己红运正当头。(Cambridge)

U.S. sheds 701,000 jobs, ending a record-long hiring streak. A record-long streak of U.S. job growth ended suddenly in March after nearly a decade as employers cut 701,000 jobs because of the viral outbreak that’s all but shut down the U.S. economy. The unemployment rate jumped to 4.4% from a 50-year low of 3.5%.

noun [ U ]/ˈbloʊ.bæk/
negative reactions or results that were not intended, such as criticism, protest, or anger

The statement comes hours after U.S. President Donald Trump invoked the Defence Production Act requiring companies to prioritize the production of masks and ventilators to fight the spread of COVID-19. But 3M warns that ceasing those exports could cause blowback.

verb [ T ] formal /dɪˈlɪn.i.eɪt/
to describe or mark the edge of something
The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter. 主要人物在第一章里得到了清晰的描述。
The boundary of the car park is delineated by a low brick wall. 一堵矮墙标出了停车场的边界。(Cambridge)

In a brief moment Saturday morning, President Trump’s legal team managed to sharply delineate the stark dilemma facing any senator of conscience.

adjective (SELFISH)
too interested in your own appearance or achievements
He was very vain about his hair and his clothes. 他很虚荣,在发型和衣着方面非常讲究。(Cambridge)

Trump was like one of those characters in an 18th-century comedy meant to embody a particular flavor of human folly. Trump struck me as adolescent, hilariously ostentatious, arbitrary, unkind, profane, dishonest, loudly opinionated, and consistently wrong. He remains the most vain man I have ever met. (Vanityfair)

noun (MIX) [ C ] formal plural syntheses
the mixing of different ideas, influences, or things to make a whole that is different, or new
He describes his latest record as “a synthesis of African and Latin rhythms”. 他说他的最新唱片“融合了非洲和拉丁音乐的韵律”。(Cambridge)

The potlatch was a synthesis of coastal life: celebratory, abundant, status-conscious, and artistic .

adjective /ˈfæl.ɪk/
representing, shaped like, or relating to the penis
phallic symbolism/imagery 阴茎象征主义/意象 (Cambridge)

A teenager in Bishop’s Stortford, a town outside of London, mowed the shape of a penis into a field along with the message “Oi Trump” in hopes that the U.S. president would see it on his flight into the U.K. this week. The phallic welcome message for Trump comes as the president is expected to face massive protests in the country later this week.

verb [ T ] /ɪˈmæs.kjə.leɪt/ formal
to reduce the effectiveness of something; to remove the male parts of something
使衰弱;使效力减弱; 阉割
They were accused of trying to emasculate the report’s recommendations. 他们被指责企图贬低报告的可取之处。

Pelosi Appears On Wednesday TV To Emasculate Trump & McConnell. In commentary offered over the weekend, Pelosi called the president’s own behavior “deadly.” While proclaiming virus concern to be a “hoax” publicly, privately he did little to nothing to help shore up U.S. defenses against the virus as the crisis grew.

noun [ C or U ]/ˈlaɪ.kən/ /ˈlɪtʃ.ən/
a grey, green, or yellow plant-like organism that grows on rocks, walls, and trees

Lichen is truly nature’s love story. It takes the precise species of fungus and algae to come together, in just the right environment, to create a lichen. The two soulmates coexist in a symbiotic bond with equal cooperation, both providing vigor to the relationship.


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