新闻英语词汇: Super PAC


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

Super PAC

Super PAC 指Political action committee, 即”超级政治行动委员会“。


但是,2010年,美国最高法院在公民联合案中宣布公司开支禁令违宪, 认为政治捐助是言论自由的一种表达方式,并暗示公司可以给予无限制地用于其他群体的支出,只要支出独立于受支持的候选人。

伴随这一判决,旨在为竞选融资的众多super Pac “超级政治行动委员会”应运而生,从而为竞选财政打开了缺口,也使得大财团间接干预选举成了可能。大公司有自己的super Pac。虽然Super PAC 不能直接给候选人资金, 但可以间接的给候选人打广告等。 

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign released a wink-and-nudge to deep-pocketed supporters that he wouldn’t disavow a super PAC supporting his candidacy, a major turn in the race as he lags behind several opponents in fundraising.

Biden’s campaign more-or-less embraced a super PAC swooping in on his behalf on Thursday, which could mark a turn in the Democratic primary as he falls behind several other competitors in the money race.
—-Politico By ZACH MONTELLARO 10/25/2019

Super PACs — lightly regulated political committees that may raise and spend unlimited amounts of money to support or oppose political candidates — are Sanders scourges. “I do not have a super PAC, and I do not want a super PAC,” he declared to cheers after trouncing Clinton in the 2016 New Hampshire primary.

One catch: Sanders can’t control whether super PACs, which are legally separate entities from candidates’ campaign committees, support him. And Sanders indeed received some super PAC support during his 2016 bid, most of it from National Nurses United, which spent almost $4.8 million on pro-Sanders ads and communications.
— by Dave Levinthal Feb 19, 2019


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