《苔丝》词汇: superadd, succinct, temerarious, fraternize, contrite

儒琴英语文学词汇咀嚼《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the Durbervilles)一书的用词。 《苔丝》以哈代的威塞克斯为背景,是一部关于虚伪和双重标准的感人小说。托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy,1840—1928), 英国诗人、小说家。他是横跨两个世纪的作家,早期和中期的创作以小说为主,继承和发扬了维多利亚时代的文学传统;晚年以其出色的诗歌开拓了英国20世纪的文学。

英语文学词汇 Literature Terms

superadd /ˌsuːpərˈæd/
verb: to add especially in a way that compounds an effect
添加; 外加; 加上 ;添上,

Tess paid the penalty of walking about with happiness superadded to beauty on her countenance by being much stared at as she moved amid them on his arm.
苔丝满脸欢喜,光彩照人。 在她挽着他的胳膊在人群中挤来挤去的时候,总有很多人呆呆地盯着她看。(第33章)

succinct /səkˈsɪŋkt/
adj: marked by compact precise expression without wasted words

Declare the past to him by word of mouth she could not; but there was another way. She sat down and wrote on the four pages of a note-sheet a succinct narrative of those events of three or four years ago,
她不没有勇气把过去的事口头告诉他; 但还有另一种方法。她坐下来,在一张叠成四页纸的便签纸上简明扼要地叙述了三、四年前发生的事情,(第33章)

temerarious /ˌtɛm əˈrɛər i əs/
adj: reckless;rash
冒失的; 鲁莽的

To produce Tess, fresh from the dairy, as a d’Urberville and a lady, he had felt to be temerarious and risky; hence he had concealed her lineage till such time as, familiarized with the worldly ways by a few months’ travel and reading with him, he could take her on a visit to his parents, and impart the knowledge while triumphantly producing her as worthy of such an ancient line.
他觉得苔丝刚从奶牛场出来就把她带回家,说她是德伯维尔家族的后裔,是一位小姐,这样做未免有些鲁莽和冒失。 因此,他一直隐瞒着她的家世,打算花几个月功夫带她在外面走走,教她读书,熟悉了人情世故,然后他就可以带她去见他的父母,透露她的家世,这样苔丝就不至于有辱一名门家世。(第33章)

fraternize /ˈfræt̬.ɚ.naɪz/
verb: to associate or mingle as brothers or on fraternal terms
亲善,相处融洽; 像兄弟或兄弟一样交往

They were not worldly young fellows, but fraternizing with dairy-folk would have struck unpleasantly upon their biased niceness, apart from their views of the match.

contrite /kənˈtraɪt/
adj: feeling regret and sorrow for one’s sins or offenses; penitent
悔恨的; 懊丧;懊悔

By the time they reached home she was contrite and spiritless.


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