今日英语单词: Swerve

儒琴今日英语单词选自日常用语,欧美报刊文章, 以及英语原文小说。每天坚持学习今日英语单词,有助于阅读和理解当今欧美主流媒体的新闻时事报道和英语文学作品;增强日常英语交流能力。

儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

韩素音1940年写出处女作《目的地重庆》(Destination Chungking)初稿,并请在成都助产学校任职的修女玛利安修改。1941年夏,玛利安帮忙把韩素音写的文稿带到美国去发表。1942年末,英文版《目的地重庆》出版(百度)。


His father was revolutionist. No penniless, irresponsible anarchist, but disciplined soldier and a scholar who in his youth had joined the secret party, the Kuomintang, plotting the overthrow of the corrupt Manchu Empire and the establishment of a Republic of China. To those ideals he devoted his life and never swerved in his loyalty. Others, growing discouraged by reverses in the sixteen years it took to bring the revolution to a successful conclusion, veered from one side to the other, making private deals with the war lords to their own profit, betraying their cause. He, on the other hand, drained the family fortune to hasten the establishment of just and equitable government, asking no repayment.

他的父亲是革命家。他不是一个身无分文、不负责任的无政府主义者,而是一个纪律严明的军人和学者; 年轻时就加入秘密党派 – 国民党 ,密谋推翻腐败的满清帝国,建立中华民国。他为这些理想奉献了一生,从不改变他的忠诚。另一些人,在革命取得了圆满成功前的16年的时间里,由于遭遇挫折而越来越气馁,从一边倒向另一边,为了自己的利益与军阀们私下交易,背叛了他们的事业。另一方面,他耗尽家产,以加快建立公正、公平的政府,而且不要求任何偿还。

作者韩素音在这段描述中,为了表达唐保黄的父亲对革命事业的忠诚,不改初衷,使用了一个单词: swerve (动词和名词), change or cause to change direction abruptly. 突然改变或使突然改变方向;偏离原来的道路或模式;swerve 的否定式表示:坚定方向;不改变方向。

swerve 同义词有: depart, deviate, digress, diverge, stray, veer

depart: won’t depart from family tradition

deviate: deviate from the original plan

digress: digressed from the main topic

diverge: opinions diverged

stray: strays from the truth

veer: a conversation veered away from sensitive issues

(Credit: thefreedictionary.com)


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