今日英语单词: syncretic

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

adjective /sɪŋˈkret̬.ɪk/

The combination of different forms of belief or practice;the fusion of two or more originally different inflectional forms.
Noun: syncretism


However, this mixing of faiths is not fundamentally sequential: rather, it is concurrent. People are routinely syncretic in matters of religion, combining elements from different traditions. This is often physically obvious. The Buddhist temple of Kiyomizu-dera and the Shintō shrine Jishu-jinja in Kyoto are contiguous, and Japanese visitors perform rituals at both.

Another reason religion is syncretic across east Asia is that its function is at least as much to bind people to each other as to the divine. Visiting a Shintō shrine or having a Buddhist funeral is a way of acknowledging that one comes from and belongs to a specific culture with its own traditions. In that sense it doesn’t really matter what rituals one performs, as long as they are the same as those your peers and ancestors observe.

The syncretic spirit is hard to import to the monotheistic west because for so long religion has been about competing claims to be the one true faith, often resulting in wars and schisms.

If that is what Christmas comes to mean, then the west too could develop its own syncretism, in which one could be a pagan at solstice, a Christian at Christmas and an atheist on New Year’s Eve.


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