今日英语词汇: take a leaf out of sb’s book, flip the bird, kiss of death, overpromise, underdeliver, jinx, undergird


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

take a leaf out of sb’s book
to copy something that someone else does because it will bring you advantages
Maybe I should take a leaf out of Rick’s book and start coming in early every morning.

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia is taking a leaf out of the U.S. shale playbook so it can ramp up oil production quickly and hang on to its share of the global market when demand finally recovers after the coronavirus pandemic.

flip someone the bird (or flip the bird)
phrase of bird
stick one’s middle finger up at someone as a sign of contempt or anger, meaning ‘fuck you’.

Trudeau basically ripped and ridiculed 19 prominent Canadians advocating capitulation, flipping the bird at heavyweights from the Chretien, Martin, Harper and Mulroney governments for a proposal that would put Canadian travellers of the future in danger of being kidnapped. (CTV)

kiss of death
If you describe something as the kiss of death, you mean that it is certain to cause something else to fail.
Rain is the kiss of death for a barbecue. 下雨就肯定不能烧烤了。

This also appears to be the kiss of death to Huawei’s plan to help develop the 5G telecommunications network in Canada, which will make bad things worse. The Canada-China relationship is clearly in meltdown mode and there’s no stopping the damage from going radioactive now.

overpromise 承诺过多;underdeliver 兑现不足
to promise more than is possible or realistic;To deliver less, or at an inferior level, than promised or expected

Said one adviser: “The last thing we want to do is over-promise and under-deliver. Obviously we wish Tulsa had not turned out the way it did, but it was a useful reminder of what we hope to avoid next time.” (Axios)

verb [ T ]
informal /dʒɪŋks/
to cause a person or group to experience bad luck
使…倒霉,遭遇厄运 (Cambridge)
I thought we would win, but I didn’t say so – I didn’t want to jinx it. 我觉得我们会赢,但是不想说出来,怕因此倒霉。

I hope I’m not jinxing anything by saying this, but – Trump’s meandering comments on the Corona Virus have been so over-the-top inappropriate that I now think Biden could literally put his foot-in-his-mouth and still beat Trump.

verb /ˌəndərˈɡərd/
to form the basis or foundation of : strengthen, support facts and statistics subtly undergird his commentary

The National Institutes of Health may own intellectual property that undergirds a leading coronavirus vaccine being developed by Moderna, according to documents obtained by Axios and an analysis from Public Citizen.


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