英语习语:talk turkey


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

talk turkey

Discuss something frankly and straightforwardly; talk turkey means speak honestly, openly and directly about the most important things. It often happens when people get down to business—focus on their most important activity.

talk turkey 字面意思:谈论火鸡。引申意思:坦率地讲,坦率认真地谈话;开诚布公;直截了当讲。

talk turkey 这个词似乎起源于殖民时期。历史记载表明,这个短语起源于殖民者和印第安人每天为了野生火鸡而进行的交换。尽管很难确定这个故事是否真的发生过,但有一个民间传说却经受住了时间的考验,成为了这个短语的起源:

“一个印第安人和一个白人合伙去打猎,一天下来胜利品是一只野火鸡和一只乌鸦。白人建议这样分配战利品:“现在你可以有你的选择: 你拿乌鸦,我拿走火鸡; 或者,如果你愿意的话,我带走火鸡,你带走乌鸦。”这个印第安人对这个慷慨的选择想了一会儿,回答说:“你干嘛不直接说你要火鸡呢?”所以,talk turkey 就有了“直截了当讲”、”开诚布公”的意思。

President Obama and Congress had better start talking turkey. —Twin Cities Daily Planet (11/ 21/ 2012)
奥巴马总统和国会最好开始开诚布公。-Twin Cities Daily Planet(2012年11月21日)

Will Obama Talk Turkey This Evening? In anticipation of President Obama’s first “State of the Union-style” speech tonight, it might be worth spending some time on Speechwars.com–which allows graphical analysis of past presidents’ SOTU speeches.
奥巴马今晚能开诚布公? 奥巴马总统今晚将发表首个“国情咨文式”演讲,或许值得在speech wars.com上花点时间——该网站提供了对历届总统的SOTU演讲的图表分析。


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