英语习语:thread the needle 中文


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

thread the needle


“Thread the needle” originates from the literal challenge of passing a thread through the small eye of a needle, a task requiring great precision. Metaphorically, this idiom is used to describe the act of performing a task with extreme care and accuracy to achieve success.

It conveys the idea of navigating between two closely placed obstacles or finding a balance between conflicting forces or interests. The phrase emphasizes the difficulty and meticulousness needed to manage such situations successfully. For example, a politician might need to “thread the needle” to satisfy both conservative and liberal voters without alienating either group


Google spent years attempting to thread the needle of providing a useful — albeit censored — search engine to Chinese users while staving off demands for greater and greater control from Beijing and criticism from US lawmakers and international human rights groups.

Threading the Trump needle may never happen. He seems to have no vision. Chaos and infighting unravel the strands in his administration at an increasing rate. Not much good has been accomplished by Trump. He resembles a wrecking ball out to demolish what is good in our country.

Biden tries threading the needle on campus protests, war. For two weeks, President Biden kept his distance from the pro-Palestinian protests roiling college campuses, devoting far more time to Israel-Hamas hostage negotiations than the unrest unfurling at home.


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