英语词组:Through thick and thin


儒琴英语词组(English Phrase of the Day)

Through thick and thin

Thick and thin means life’s experiences, good and bad, easy and difficult;a way to describe something that will continue regardless of any troubles or difficult times in the way;Despite difficult or troubling circumstances or setbacks; through good and bad times.

The phrase originated as ‘through thicket and thin wood’, which was a straightforward literal description of any determined progress through the ‘thick’ English countryside at the times when England was still a predominantly wooded country, with few roads and where animals grazed on what was known as wood pasture, that is, mixed woodland and grass.

顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下,赴汤蹈火;患难与共;不顾艰难险阻; 历尽千辛万苦;风雨同舟;不畏艰险。

Thick and thin 这个词组起源于“穿过茂密(thick)和稀疏(thin) 丛林”, 词组字面意思直接描述了早期不顾艰难险阻,穿越广袤英国乡村的行动,当时英国道路很少,到处是放养牲畜的牧场, 是混合森林和草地。

“We want to express our appreciation to our thousands of employees and millions of customers who have supported this store through thick and thin.” —statement by an attorney for Lord & Taylor department stores.
“我们想对我们成千上万的员工和数百万的顾客表示感谢! 风雨同舟, 他们在任何情况下都支持着我们的店。”- Lord & Taylor百货公司律师的声明。

Republicans are sticking with their leader through thick and thin. Mr. Trump’s big tax cut helps the greedy more than the needy. It’s a buckrakers’ delight. But it’s starting to sell. He also got a big boost from the patriotic blare of his State of the Union address. Riveting were moments when he called upon those making special contributions to U.S. society take a bow. Wisely, he didn’t include Russians.


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