今日英语词汇: throw kitchen sink at, get a handle on sth, train wreck, bring home, bag it, comity


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

throw kitchen sink at
To throw the kitchen sink at something means to try everything you can to solve a problem;try absolutely the last possible thing you have at your disposal
使用一切可以使用的武器(攻击某人); 想尽一切办法去解决问题

House throws kitchen sink at tech CEOs. House lawmakers aired an enormous array of grievances with the CEOs of Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple Wednesday, throwing everything in their arsenal at four of the most powerful men in the world for six hours. (Axios)

get a handle on sth
to understand something or be able to deal with something

The president says the nation has gotten a handle on the virus but “it can come roaring back when you least suspect it.” Trump insists, though, that the economy should stay open. (AP)

train wreck
something that fails completely or goes extremely badly

The U.S. Economy Might Not Be a Train Wreck After All. Today’s horrific GDP report certainly brings home the cost to America of coronavirus lockdowns and quarantines, however otherwise necessary they may have been. But these statistics say very little about the future or even the state of the economy as July turns to August. (National Interest)

bring home
If you bring something home, you explain it or make it very clear; Get to the heart of a matter, make perfectly clear.
抓住事情的核心,把事情讲清楚; 直中要害

The report certainly brings home the cost to America of coronavirus lockdowns and quarantines, however otherwise necessary they may have been. (National Interest)

bag it
1. Abandon something or someone, quit. For example, The class is not very good, so I’ve decided to bag it. This idiom first became widespread among students. 放弃
2. Be quiet, stop doing something, go away. For example, I’ve heard enough about that, so just bag it! 闭嘴!请安静下来!(dictionary.com)

What he’s saying: “John Lewis was a walking rebuke to people who thought, well, we ain’t there yet and we have been working a long time. Isn’t it time to bag it? He kept moving. He hoped for and imagined and lived and worked and moved for his beloved community. He took a savage beating on more than one day,” Clinton said. (Axios)

comity (of nations
the friendship and respect between countries shown by accepting each other’s laws, political systems, and customs

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said as much on Thursday, saying nearly 50 years of economic and political engagement had failed to “produce a future with bright promise of comity and cooperation”. (SCMP)


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