英语习语:throw sb under the bus


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

throw sb under the bus

cause someone else to suffer in order to save oneself or gain personal advantage; to do something harmful to someone else in order to gain an advantage for yourself;to betray a friend or ally for selfish reasons. It is typically used to describe a disavowal and possibly severance of a previously amicable or warm relationship.

throw sb under the bus 字面意思:把某人扔到车底下去。引申意思:为自己的私利而出卖别人利益,背叛或出卖别人;抛弃自己盟友,让别人当替罪羊;抛弃…; 牺牲…。这个习语的起源尚不清楚,但它可能起源于英国政治,在英国,“under a bus”这个短语很早就被用来比喻不幸或碰巧发生的事故。

He has been accused of throwing fellow Republicans under the bus for his personal agenda.

I’m not going to throw my friend under the bus for something he did 25 years ago.

When the panel accused Helen’s dress of being too “basic” and “neither flattering nor fashion forward,” she got defensive, throwing her fellow designers under the bus in the process. —TV Line (1/ 25/ 2018)
当小组指责海伦的裙子太“简单”,“既不讨喜,也不前卫”时,她开始为自己辩护,并在此过程中把其他设计师甩在了一边。-TV Line (1/ 25/ 2018)


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