英语习语:throw your weight around


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

throw your weight around

to use your position or influence unfairly to get what you want;to assert oneself in a controlling, domineering, or authoritarian manner; to exercise one’s position of authority, power, or influence, especially to an overbearing or excessive degree.


President Trump throws his weight around at NATO Summit. He engaged in some sharp-elbowed diplomacy Thursday when he appeared to shove aside the prime minister of a tiny Balkan country and barge to the front of the pack for a group photo at the NATO summit.

Some of May’s allies also fear renegade Brexiters from the right wing of the Tory party could throw their weight behind Labour in the hope that a no-confidence vote would result in a more Brexit-friendly Conservative being installed in her place.


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