

儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)



used to show disapproval of something;An act, instance, or sign of disapproval;an instance or gesture of rejection, disapproval, or condemnation


用于表示不赞成某事;一种反对的行为、事例或迹象; 一种拒绝、不赞成或谴责的实例或姿态

“thumbs-down” (From NRP News))


It’s thumbs-down in the U.K. for Harry and Meghan’s Netflix Series. Reviews for the new Netflix series Harry & Meghan, by Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, have been withering in the British press. This is not surprising, given that the couple spends much of the first three episodes attacking Britain’s notorious tabloid media for invading their privacy and some coverage that traded in racist tropes. ( from NPR News)

在英国,哈里和梅根制作的Netflix系列纪录片遭到了反对。Netflix的《哈里和梅根》(Harry & Meghan)记录片由哈里王子和苏塞克斯公爵夫人梅根(Meghan)主编,英国目前媒体对这一系列记录片的评价很不好。这并不奇怪,因为这对夫妇在前三集的大部分时间里都在抨击英国臭名昭著的小报媒体侵犯他们的隐私,以及一些带有种族主义色彩的报道。

GOP gives thumbs down to Biden’s $47B emergency request. President Joe Biden’s request for more than $47 billion in emergency funding to help Ukraine and tackle COVID-19, monkeypox and natural disasters is encountering deep skepticism from Senate Republicans, signaling a showdown ahead. (From AP News)



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