今日英语单词: unpick

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day


to gradually destroy or remove the good effects of what someone has done or created;If someone unpicks a plan or policy, they disagree with it and examine it thoroughly in order to find any mistakes that they can use to defeat it.

(逐渐)破坏,毁掉已取得的成绩;撕毁;废除;如果某人unpick 一个计划或政策,意思是他们不同意该计划或政策,并彻底检查它,以便发现任何错误,可以用来毁掉它。

Angela Merkel tells embattled May that Brexit deal cannot be unpicked. German Chancellor Angela Merkel had a stark message for Theresa May on Tuesday: The Brexit deal cannot be renegotiated.

Netanyahu calls on Trump to unpick Iran nuclear deal. Israel pushed Iran’s nuclear programme to the top of President Trump’s foreign policy agenda last night, in the first phone call between the country’s leaders since Mr Trump’s inauguration.

He said that if a President Trump seeks to “unpick the Paris Agreement and unpick the clean air plan which has been brought in by President Obama through executive orders,” you may still see the public and corporate community take action in the United States to continue the climate fight.


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