有关静脉曲张 Varicose Veins 常用医学词汇

Varicose veins (静脉曲张 /ˈverəˌkōs/)are swollen and enlarged veins that usually occur on the legs and feet. They may be blue or dark purple, and are often lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance.
静脉曲张通常是指肿胀和扩大的静脉,通常发生在腿和脚上。它们可能是蓝色或深紫色,并且通常在外观上呈块状、鼓鼓的或扭曲的。(from nhs.uk

静脉曲张 Varicose Veins
静脉曲张解释图(Credit : clevelandclinic.org)

Causes of varicose veins 静脉曲张的原因

Varicose veins develop when the small valves (小瓣膜) inside the veins stop working properly.

In a healthy vein, blood flows smoothly to the heart. The blood is prevented from flowing backwards by a series of tiny valves that open and close to let blood through.

If the valves weaken or are damaged, the blood can flow backwards and collect in the vein, eventually causing it to be swollen and enlarged (varicose 静脉曲张).

Certain things can increase your chances of developing varicose veins, such as:

being female 女性
having a close family member with varicose veins 有静脉曲张的家族史
being older 年纪大
being overweight 体重超重
having a job that involves long periods of standing 长时间战立
being pregnant 怀孕
other conditions 其它原因 (from nhs.uk)

Treating varicose veins 治疗静脉曲张

If treatment is necessary, your doctor may first recommend using compression stockings, taking regular exercise and elevating the affected area when resting.

If your varicose veins are still causing you pain or discomfort, or they cause complications, they can be treated in several ways.

The most common treatment options include:

endothermal ablation – where heat is used to seal affected veins
sclerotherapy – this uses special foam to close the veins
ligation and stripping – the affected veins are surgically removed
It’s unlikely you’ll receive treatment on the NHS for cosmetic reasons – you’ll have to pay for cosmetic treatment privately.

If you do feel you require treatment, it might help if you print out treatment options for varicose veins to discuss with the GP.

Types of varicose veins 静脉曲张类型

trunk varicose veins – these are near to the surface of the skin and are thick and knobbly; they’re often long and can look unpleasant

reticular varicose veins – these are red and sometimes grouped close together in a network

telangiectasia varicose veins – also known as thread veins or spider veins, these are small clusters of blue or red veins that sometimes appear on your face or legs; they’re harmless and, unlike trunk varicose veins, do not bulge underneath the surface of the skin
毛细血管扩张性静脉曲张——也被称为丝状静脉或蜘蛛静脉,这些是小簇的蓝色或红色静脉,有时会出现在你的脸上或腿上;它们是无害的,不像主干静脉曲张,不会在皮肤表面下隆起. (from nhs.uk

Can varicose veins be prevented? 静脉曲张可以预防吗?

Steps to prevent varicose veins include:

Keeping a healthy weight 保持健康的体重

Exercising regularly 定期锻炼

Putting your feet up while sitting 坐着的时候把脚抬起来

Not crossing your legs while sitting 坐着的时候不要跷二郎腿

Not wearing tight clothing 不穿紧身衣服 (hopkinsmedicine.org



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