新闻英语词汇: veepstakes 


儒琴新闻英语词汇 Journalism Vocabulary

veepstakes 副总统竞选


一旦共和党或民主党确定了他们的总统候选人(presidential nominee),候选人就会选择他们的竞选伙伴(running mate)。在党的全国代表大会召开前的几周内,竞选搭档(running mate)都要经过严格的审查(heavily vetted)。


偶尔, 候选人的竞选伙伴会从初选中选择, 就像在1960年,约翰•肯尼迪(John f . Kennedy)选择林顿·约翰逊;1980年罗纳德·里根选择乔治·h·w·布什,2004年; 约翰·克里选择约翰。

Biden’s veepstakes just became a disaster.

One week ago, just as it was true one year ago, Amy Klobuchar was obviously the best bet to serve as Joe Biden’s running mate. A wildly popular swing state senator who had boosted her national profile with a respectable presidential run, Klobuchar clearly could cement Biden’s popularity with suburban women.

Those women are the key cohort who sat out in 2016, handing the White House to President Trump but crucially delivering Democrats the House of Representatives just two years later. Klobuchar fulfilled the first rule of running mates — first, do no harm — and provided an obvious advantage with the Electoral College map.


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