今日英语词汇:  vice, nowhere near, rallying cry, top up, cash flush, appellate, relegate, quash


儒琴英语词汇(English Words and Phrases of the Day)

noun (TOOL) [ C ] mainly UK (US usually vise)
a tool with two parts that can be moved together by tightening a screw so that an object can be held firmly between them while it is being worked on.
台钳; 老虎钳

U.S. stocks fell sharply in the final hour of trading Wednesday after President Trump seemingly reignited the trade war, telling reporters the U.S. would be evaluating whether China has complied with the “phase 1” trade deal to buy an extra $200 billion a year of U.S. goods. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to choke the U.S. and global economy, Trump is threatening to tighten the vice. (Axios)

nowhere near
not close in distance, time, amount, or quality
The house was nowhere near the beach. 这座房子离海边很远。
It’s nowhere near time for us to leave yet. 离我们走的时间还早呢。
I’m nowhere near finishing the book – I’m only half-way through it. 我读完这本书还早着呢——我才看完一半。
He’s nowhere near as tall as his sister. 他比他姐姐矮多了。

China is nowhere near meeting the “phase 1” trade agreement. Most had long expected that China would be unable to meet the terms of the deal as the novel coronavirus ravaged its economy, causing the worst quarterly economic contraction on record.(Axios)

rallying cry
A rallying cry or rallying call is something such as a word or phrase, an event, or a belief which encourages people to unite and to act in support of a particular group or idea. 战斗口号

“The Justice Department on Thursday said it is dropping the criminal case against President Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, abandoning a prosecution that became a rallying cry for Trump and his supporters in attacking the FBI’s Russia investigation,” the AP reports.

top up
verb & noun
1) the act of adding liquid in order to fill to the top a container that is already partly full
2)an extra amount of something, especially money, that is added to an existing amount to create the total you need

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says that an agreement has been reached with all provinces and territories to top up the wages of some essential front-line workers including those in long-term care facilities where COVID-19 has spread among both residents and staff, with deadly impact. This comes as the military deployment to long-term care homes is being expanded. (CTV)

flush with cash or cash flush
The phrase flush with cash means to have abundant wealth. It can be for someone who is rich all of the time or someone who unexpectedly and temporarily had an influx of cash. 1 Flush with Cash Meaning. 2 Origin of Flush with Cash. 现金充裕

Trump to Unleash Negative Ads on Biden. “The cash-flush campaign is slated to more than $10 million on an advertising blitz across broadcast and cable channels, as well as online.” (Politico)

adjective /əˈpel.ət/
involving an attempt to get a legal decision changed:(especially of a court) concerned with or dealing with applications for decisions to be reversed.
The mistrial ruling was upheld in 2013 by a state appellate court. 州上诉法院宣布维持2013年无效审判的判决。(Cambridge)

The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court Thursday to temporarily block an appellate ruling (上诉裁决) that would force the Justice Department to give Congress some secret grand jury material from the Mueller investigation, the Washington Post reports. (Axois)

verb [ T ]/ˈrel.ə.ɡeɪt/
to put someone or something into a lower or less important rank or position
She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job. 因被降职做文书,她就辞了职。
The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper. 这篇报道从重要版面撤下,刊登在中间的版面上。(Cambridge)

Politico: “The coronavirus has killed more than 70,000 Americans, tanked the once-soaring U.S. economy and shows no signs of abating. And Trump’s ineffective leadership is largely to blame, say Democrats who are growing optimistic they can seize the Senate after being relegated to the minority for six years.”

verb [ T ] 、kwɑːʃ/
to say officially that something, especially an earlier official decision, is no longer to be accepted
His conviction was quashed in March 1986 after his counsel argued that the police evidence was all lies. 他的辩护人举证说明了警方的证据是一派谎言,于是对他的判决于1986年3月被撤销了。(Cambridge)

Trump has purposely widened a gap in perceptions between Republicans and Democrats on the lockdown/distancing strategy. (A recent poll found Republicans 45 percentage points less likely to wear masks in public than Democrats.) Now Trump has quashed a more detailed version of the CDC’s reopening guidelines. And he is using indications of public discontent as a justification to press governors for rapid reopening. (The Washington Post)


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