今日英语单词: vitriol

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

noun /ˈvɪt.ri.əl/

cruel and bitter criticism;bitterly harsh or caustic language or criticism; violent hate and anger expressed through severe criticism.

Synonyms:acidity, acidness, acridity, acridness, acrimony, asperity, bile, bitterness, cattiness, corrosiveness, mordancy, tartness, virulence, virulency

最早 vitriol (或 oil of vitriol )是指硫酸(concentrated sulfuric acid),一种由铁或铜等特定金属的硫酸盐组成的化合物的总称。“vitriol”这个词来源于拉丁语“vitriolus”,意思是“小玻璃”,因为那些晶体类似有色玻璃的碎片。后来vitriol这个引申“辛辣、尖刻、严厉谴责”意义上是源自这种物质的腐蚀性。

根据上下文可以考虑译成:尖刻;辛辣;尖酸刻薄;尖刻无情的话(或批评); 刻薄的语言或批评; 通过严厉的批评表达的强烈的仇恨和愤怒。

同义词:acidity, acidness, acridity, acridness, acrimony, asperity, bile, bitterness, cattiness, corrosiveness, mordancy, tartness, virulence, virulency

Trump’s vitriol against the Democrats comes with a warning. Before a remarkably small crowd, Republican President Donald Trump predicted that if Americans elect his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, it “will destroy our country. Our country will be destroyed.” More Trumpian hyperbole, yes. But this narrative is laced with the threat of violence, and violence reciprocated. (.theglobeandmail.com/June 21, 2020)

He is a writer who has often been criticized by the press but never before with such vitriol.


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