英语习语:wet blanket (wet-blanket)


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

wet blanket (wet-blanket)
Verb & noun [ C usually singular ] disapproving

1. A wet blanket is someone who spoils the enjoyment of a situation, someone who dampens other people’s joy.
2. to dampen the enthusiasm or enjoyment of (a person, group, etc.).

wet blanket 作为名词字面意思是:一条湿地毯;作为动词字面意思是:用湿地毯去灭火。引申意思是:扫兴的人,泼冷水的人,令人生厌的家伙(名词);或作为动词:使…扫兴;给..泼冷水;当头泼了一瓢凉水。

这个习语的表达可以追溯到19世纪70年代,当时有些厨师在厨房里放了一条湿毯子来迅速扑灭火。其实,这种做法至少可以追溯到17世纪中期,一种古老的灭火方法 。人们很容易看出扑灭一场火和扑灭某人的快乐之间的相似之处。这个习语通常被看作一个动词,给某人或某事泼冷水。当指责某人是一个令人扫兴的人时,或者告诫某人不要做一个扫兴的人时,它用作名词:扫兴的人,泼冷水的人。

While I’m enjoying the squeals of horror rising from the bien pensants at the New York Times, The Nation, and The New Yorker, what I’d like even more is to see Trump wet-blanket them with some show of measured, well-informed statesmanship. Until then, I’ll reserve judgment. (chroniclesmagazine.org November 10, 2016)
虽然我很享受《纽约时报》(New York Times)、《国家报》(the Nation)和《纽约客》(the New Yorker)中那些循循蹈矩的政客们发出的恐惧尖叫,但我更希望看到特朗普用一些有分之想、见多识广的政治家风度给他们泼冷水。在那之前,我将保留意见。

“Even more troubling, we potentially face the risk of development restrictions that would have the effect of throwing a wet blanket over South King County.” (The Kent Reporter)
“更麻烦的是,我们可能面临开发限制的风险,这可能会给南金县(South King County)泼一盆冷水。”——《肯特记者报》

I don’t want to be a wet blanket, but I’m tired of answering with a chirpy “fine,” when everything is not fine. (The New York Times)


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