英语习语:whistle past the graveyard


儒琴今日习语(Idiom of the Day)

whistle past the graveyard

To whistle past the graveyard is to pretend to be happy or unconcerned when you are worried or should be worried.

The meaning of whistle in the dark is similar: pretend to be brave or confident when you are afraid or uncertain.

In American idiom, “whistle past the graveyard” has two meanings. It can mean an attempt to appear fearless in a dire situation; to proceed with a task, ignoring an upcoming hazard, hoping for a good outcome. It can also mean to enter a situation with little or no understanding of the possible consequences.

whistle past the graveyard 字面意思是:吹着口哨穿过墓地。引申为:当一个人实际上害怕或紧张时,他的行为或说话好像很放松,不害怕;当你害怕或不确定的时候,假装勇敢或自信;夸夸其词;自欺欺人的态度

在美国习语中,“whistle past the graveyard”有两个意思:1)它可以指试图在可怕的情况下表现得无所畏惧; 继续一项任务,无视即将到来的危险,期待一个好的结果 2)它也可以指进入一种情况,很少或完全不知道可能的后果。

That has never been anything more than a weak — and easily debunked — excuse for not standing up to Trump’s erratic and irresponsible behavior. That whistle-past-the-graveyard attitude is typified by this now-infamous quote from an anonymous Republican official to The Washington Post in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election.

Democrats are literally preaching to the choir when they should be annihilating the opposition. What we face in November is an existential threat, not an argument about who gets which puppy. And worse, our candidates are simply whistling past the graveyard when they say that they can deliver on their policies. In fact, they’re lying to us.


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