今日英语俚语:wing it 临场发挥


儒琴今日英语俚语 (English Slang of the Day)

wing it 英语解释

to do or try to do something without much practice or preparation; to do or attempt something with little preparation in advance; to improvise.

wing it 汉语解释

英语俚语 wing it 是个动词词组,意思是即兴发挥、临场发挥、即兴表演;没有太多的练习或准备就做或尝试某事。

wing it 俚语起源

wing 最常用的意思是“翅膀”,作为名词或动词。wing 还有个意思,是指一座大型建筑物的一部分,尤指从主要建筑延伸突出来的部分 (a part of a large building, especially one that projects from the main part.)。

“wing it” (即兴表演) 最早是一种戏剧舞台用语,指演员在 wings (舞台傍边的房间;后台)等候上场时匆忙记住台词,然后上台即兴表演。

“wing it” 这个短语最早可以追溯到19世纪末,“to wing” 作为动词在1885年版的《Stage》杂志上定义是: 没有多少练习或准备就试图做某事; 即兴创作 (to do or attempt something with little preparation in advance; to improvise)。

“wing it”早在1933年就已在印刷版中明确使用,但在那之前,这个词就已经被广泛使用了。在《菲利普·戈弗雷的幕后故事:当代英国戏剧的幕后调查》一书中,这个词的解释再好不过了:

“He must give a performance by ‘winging it’ – that is, by refreshing his memory for each scene in the wings before he goes on to play it.”
“他必须通过‘即兴表演’来进行表演,也就是说,在他表演之前,他要在舞台的后台记住上场表演的每一个场景。” ( phrases.org.uk )


Trump’s lame duck status leaves governors to wing it on COVID-19. Not long after the world learned that President Donald Trump had lost his reelection bid, states began issuing a new round of crackdowns and emergency declarations against the surging coronavirus. (ajc.com)

今天(June 21, 2021), 一位客人看到我写的英文博客 Drive from Daocheng to Yading, 在我的博文下发帖,提了几个问题,其中用到“Wing It”:

Hi Daniel

Great post!

I am traveling with my kids (7 and 9) from Lijiang to Songzanlin monastery about 5 hours south of the Yading nature reserve. Just wondering about then heading up to Yading. A few questions, if I may:

1) Is the road safe?
2) Is it feasible to “wing it”? That is, turn up in Yading and find accommodation and a guide etc?
3) what are reasonable prices for the above and can you recommend a guide?

Am also considering renting a car in Lijiang and taking our time to head up to Yading.

Grateful for your thoughts.

Best wishes



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