今日英语单词:  banter

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

banter (noun, v.intr. & v.tr.)

teasing or joking talk that is amusing and friendly;the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks;talk or exchange remarks in a good-humored teasing way;speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner

(善意的)玩笑,打趣;(和某人)开玩笑; 逗乐;逗人发笑和友好的逗人或开玩笑的谈话;逗人的俏皮话;以一种愉快的逗人的方式说话或交换意见; 以诙谐和逗人的方式说话或交谈

In public, Trump bantered easily with his fellow leaders, but the meeting came at a tense moment in the relationships, with allies steaming over Trump’s new tariffs on imported steel and aluminum from Canada, Mexico and the European Union.

Donald Trump charged into the Group of Seven summit at odds with key allies over U.S. tariffs, then set out to defuse tension with friendly banter and offered vague claims of progress in trade talks.

From Chaucer to Trump, sexist banter has been defended as entertainment for 600 years.
从乔叟(Chaucer)到特朗普(Trump), 600年来,性别歧视的玩笑一直被视为娱乐。

Trump trades easy banter with allies but differences persist.


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