今日英语单词: bifurcate

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

/ˈbaɪfəˌkeɪt/ verb & adj.

to divide into two parts; to divide into two branches. Bifurcate derives from the Latin bifurcus, meaning “two-pronged,” a combination of the prefix bi- (“two”) and the noun furca (“fork”). Furca, as you can probably tell, gave us our word fork.

分叉; 分支;分叉的,分枝的。该词源自拉丁语bifurcus,意为“双叉的”,由前缀bi-(“两”)和名词furca(“叉子”)组合而成。你可能知道,Furca给了我们单词fork(叉子)。

Trump’s new World Economic Order plans to bifurcate the world, with the democracies thriving and the tyrannies struggling, until one way or the other they come over from the dark side.

Now, Trump is looking to bifurcate the litigation so that “the threshold issue of whether the United States Constitution bars this Court from adjudicating this action against President Trump during his Presidency” can be briefed and resolved first.


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