今日英语单词: flipflop

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

(v & n ) (flip flop or flip-flop)

a sudden reversal (as of policy or strategy );make an abrupt reversal of policy; an occasion when someone completely changes a plan; to change your opinion about something, especially when you then hold the opposite opinion.

突然改变政策; 指某人完全改变计划; ; (方向、观点、态度等的)突然大转变

CNN calls Trump’s actions a “u-turn.” Bloomberg opts for the more mathematical “180 degree turn,” while the Washington Post goes with “flipflop.” Meanwhile, pundits switched from decrying the president as an isolationist to lambasting him as a tool of the neocons. Amid all the relabeling, explanations of an “emerging Trump Doctrine” have proliferated faster than North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.

Donald Trump’s flip-flops keep Washington heads spinning. 

It is a dig that cannot be made about the current US president. If Washington was once a town where flip-flopping was a form of political suicide (See Mitt Romney, 2008), Donald Trump has made ideological flexibility the new norm.


唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)突然大转变华盛顿头疼不已。



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