今日英语单词: mosey, postnatal, leaven, strut, brazen, stand a chance, dead-end

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儒琴今日英语单词 Word of the Day

verb [ I usually + adv/prep ]/ˈmoʊ.zi/
to walk or go slowly, usually without a special purpose
I’ll just mosey on down to the beach for a while. 我只是去海滩溜达溜达。Cambridge)

But in recent days, environmentalist Herbert Andrade has watched hundreds of baby turtles mosey their way toward the water along Brazil’s northeast coast, unmolested by people or pets, unencumbered by anxiety. The beach is empty. People, fearful of catching and spreading the coronavirus, are inside. But outside, Andrade sees a natural world blooming. (The Washington Post)

adjective /ˌpoʊstˈneɪ.t̬əl/
relating to the period of time immediately after a baby has been born
postnatal care 产后护理
postnatal depression 产后抑郁症 (Cambridge)

RIO DE JANEIRO — It’s not easy being a baby sea turtle, hatching into a human’s world. Curious children, leashless dogs, oblivious joggers: The dangers are many. Some never complete their postnatal dash to the ocean. (The Washington Post)

verb [ T ] /ˈlev.ən/
1. to add a substance to bread or another food made with flour to make it increase in size when it is cooked
2. to make something less boring
Even a speech on a serious subject should be leavened with a little humour. 即使是一篇题目很严肃的演讲也应该包含一些幽默的内容在里面。(Cambridge)

While some stories of animal invasion that have gone viral have been fake — turns out elephants didn’t get drunk on Chinese corn wine and pass out in a tea garden — the apparent resiliency of the natural world is leavening a global tragedy with brief moments of wonderment. For people. And, apparently, for animals, too. (The Washington Post)

verb [ I ]/strʌt/
to walk in a proud way trying to look important
The boys strutted around trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby. 男孩们神气十足地走来走去,想引起旁边一群女孩的注意。(Cambridge)

“The goats absolutely love it,” said Andrew Stuart, a resident of Llandudno, Wales. He saw the goats stroll into town one recent night, and has watched since then as they’ve availed themselves of its offerings. They’ve munched on windowsill flowers. Convened in parking lots. Strutted down emptied streets. (The Washington Post)

adjective /ˈbreɪ.zən/
brazen adjective (OBVIOUS)
obvious, without any attempt to be hidden
brazen cheating 明目张胆的作弊行为
He told me a brazen lie. 他恬不知耻地向我撒谎。(Cambridge)

“I’ve lived in Boulder for 30 years, and I’ve never seen a mountain lion before,” Borowsky said. “And I’m a filmmaker and am outdoors constantly. Animals are sensing that people aren’t around much and are coming out more. “We’re waiting for the bears to come out of hibernation and see how brazen they get.” (The Washington Post)

stand a chance
to have a chance of success
She stands a good chance of passing her exam if she works hard. 她努力学习的话,通过考试的希望很大。(Cambridge)

Millennials Don’t Stand a Chance. Annie Lowrey: “The Millennials entered the workforce during the worst downturn since the Great Depression. Saddled with debt, unable to accumulate wealth, and stuck in low-benefit, dead-end jobs, they never gained the financial security that their parents, grandparents, or even older siblings enjoyed. They are now entering their peak earning years in the midst of an economic cataclysm more severe than the Great Recession, near guaranteeing that they will be the first generation in modern American history to end up poorer than their parents.”

verb, Adj. and noun
a situation that has no hope of making progress; If a road or path dead-ends, it is closed at one end, and does not lead anywhere.
成为死胡同,到达尽头,终止; 死路

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was “was scared out of his mind,” “a coward,” and he “died like a dog,” President Donald Trump told the country from the White House on Sunday. “He died after running into a dead-end tunnel whimpering and crying and screaming all the way,” Trump said, adding that the Islamic State leader took three children into the tunnel with him, and killed himself and the children by detonating an explosive vest and collapsing the walls around them. The American commandos confirmed his identity and left with some of al-Baghdadi’s body parts, he said, adding: “There wasn’t much left.”


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